Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back!
After all, tomorrow is another day!
Do you recognize that line?
It's comes from the last scene of the epic production - Gone With the Wind.
I wonder if this line would have had the same effect if Scarlett had said:
" After all, tomorrow is a Honu day?"
Probably not huh?
Anyway, some Hawaiians (Kauai ans) jokingly use the saying: "Tomorrow is a Ho nu Day!"
Now I know where that saying comes from and what it means.......... Any day at the beach could be a Honu day.
There I was sitting at the beach reading a book when all of a sudden chatter and whispers. I looked up from the pages to see yet another creature emerge from the wetness.
Sea turtles, have been swimming the oceans for over 200 million years. And for the first time in all these millennia, six out of the seven species are either endangered and on the verge of extinction, or threatened to become endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
You couldn't tell by looking at this guy (or gal). Looks like just another day at the office.
I initially considered posting this story under the title of: " Things that come out of the sea!" Or "Another boring day at the Beach." But ultimately, I opted for the "Honu Day" idea. It leaves me optimistic....... Let's hope there's a Honu millennium for these creatures.
for more info on the Honu follow these links: