INtRePid, I aM BeIng Held CaPtiVe by By 3 Crazy Women.
TheY MigHT Be wOrkInG FoR HoRtoN! Don'T sEnD HeLp YeT!

TheY MigHT Be wOrkInG FoR HoRtoN! Don'T sEnD HeLp YeT!
I WanT to LeT ThEm TortURE Me soMe MoRe! So I caN
LearN ThEir tRUe IdEntitIes.

I received this notice and photo via Fedex this morning accompanied by a decapitated rubber chicken and a golf ball with a Horton label on it. Frankly, I can't tell if it's legitimate or not. I currently have two research teams working on the message looking for clues. Do any of you think this is real? It doesn't really look 100% like Speedcat. But who knows what the stress of being held captive might have done to his appearance? If you are a friend or blog buddy of Speedcat please stand by. I may need to collect items for his ransom. Whatever you have lying around the house would be helpful. Just to let you all know...
I've sent the following message to Speedcat:
Speedy, I'm not sure if this is a true call for help or not. But I have a Delta team standing by for your rescue. Jack Bauer is also on my speed dial. Furthermore, I'm notifying your blog buddies and collecting items for your ransom just in case we need to cut a deal. Please let me know if everything is alright. Otherwise, I'll wait to hear more from your captors.

"Intrepid, Just wanted to let you know I'm here for you..... A friend of yours is a friend of mine. So if you need some help with "Speedy"s" rescue, I'm available. Just hit me up on my cell!
Peace Out! Homey!
So that's it for now. Please stay tuned. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.
Here is what I want to know ... how did you get those photos?!?!?
Thanks for the laugh; this will be an excellent addition to the reporters contributing at Hollydale Headquarters. Going to press!!!!!!!
Oh no!
Intrepid! That was so dang funny.
I'm in! Let's go and bust Hollydale out of there. Although, he kinda looks like he's enjoying himself, doesn't he?
Soon to come: Coverage of the donut hit at my house. (Hey ... it's not every day you get hit by a weapon of mass destruction!)
Hey Tamera,
I know I can count on you right?
Wendster, thanks a bunch. I've got you on the A-list. You'll be the first to go in! You ready?
Oh gosh Mr Speedcat is in a very dangerous situation indeed Mr I. There is nothing so fearsome as three women, or indeed one woman, with a tickling brush, feather duster and a bottom scrubber! I am seriously worried for his health and hope that you don't receive any futher ransom envelopes... The way the minds of these devilish women may work he might well end up more than a little short changed in his wallet. I think you should watch your back Mr I it's possible you may be their next victim!
ok...I can send calendars :)
mmm Jack who..the only Jack I know has the last name of Daniels...:)))
Miss Jane, I do thank you for your deep concern. I'll let you watch my back. I'll keep my eyes ahead looking for the bad guys!
Wendster, I've got you scheduled to bust in with the lead team. Watch out for Jack Bauer, he likes to shoot everyone.
Kim, thanks for the calendars. Trust me - They'll be quite helpful. See my next post.
So Robert, can I count on you to contribute a bottle of Jack Daniels to the cause? Thanks!
I'll be delighted to watch your behind Mr I!
Came back to see again... I LOVE THIS POST!!
Miss Jayne.... Thanks for the compliment. Watch it good for me.
Speedy, I've been a bit busy with my "Day Job" but I should be back to blogging in the next few days.
I will try Mr I.. I even have night vision goggles!
Miss Jayne, You're kidding me... Are you still awake?
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