Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kids and curse words!

"A Christmas Story" has to be one of my favorite all time Christmas movies. In a pinch, I'll toss it in there with some of my other classic favorites like:

  1. It's a Wonderful Life
  2. White Christmas
  3. Home Alone
  4. The Bishop's Wife
  5. The Preacher's Wife
  6. A Fare to Remember
  7. Holiday Affair

All of these movies are special to me in some unique way. I still remember watching "A Christmas Story" for the very first time and reflecting back on my own experiences with my first BB gun. I really enjoyed the way in which the story is narrated and the overt and sublime humor. When I think of the movie, I can't help but think about some of the signature lines like: "You'll shoot your eye out." and " I Double Dog Dare Ya!" Yeah, it's a good one for me. Silly - of course! A bit of adult humor? You bet! But sentimentally good.

I was thinking about this movie again just the other day. Not only because it's seasonal and it's that time of year. But also because I overheard some young kids talking about curse words and their "made up" names for some of the common words. Here's what I heard:

  1. Son of a Business man
  2. Mother Trucker
  3. Kiss my Astronaut
  4. Go to Help
  5. Holy Ship

Okay, that's about all I can remember. I'm sure you guys/gals with dirty minds can figure out the intended word or phrase. I know it's a bit juvenile but their conversation did catch my wondering ear. And it reminded me of this clip from "A Christmas Story."


What's your favorite Christmas movie?


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

"A Christmas Story" is great. ~And I get terribly sentimental watching "It's a Wonderful Life"...
I saw a leg lamp (made in Frag-i-le, no doubt) in a restaurant recently. ~Love how the wife dealt with that decorating challenge in the movie!

intrepidideas said...


It sounds like you've seen the movie once or twice? The leg lamp... I could never tell if she did her redecoration while she was watering her plants or practicing her baseball swing. :)

It's a Wonderful Life! I've Gotta watch it again this year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog and yes I feel better. Castration would make me feel even better but..well...

I can't read the word fragile without saying it Fra-gi-lay. What a great movie!

Christmas Vacation is another one that is a classic.

Chris said...

Very funny! :)

One of our neighbors puts out a leg lamp every year. I had never seen the whole movie, so I didn't get it at first. I just thought, "WHAT WEIRD NEIGHBORS!" haha

Great movie list!

intrepidideas said...

Thanks Chris...